Ponente: David Maresca. Delft University of Technology, Imaging Physics department. Delft, The Netherlands


Título de la charla: From echogenic biomolecules to ultrasound imaging of cellular function


Afiliación: Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular, CSIC – Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain.


Fecha: 05 de marzo de 2025


Hora: 10:30 h


Lugar: online


Abstract:The introduction of genetically encoded gas vesicles as the “green uorescent protein” for ultrasound provides an alternative to light for deep tissue cellular imaging. In this lecture, I will explain how gas vesicles can be further engineered into acoustic reporter genes or biosensors, and present ultrasound imaging methods to detect gas vesicle in living opaque tissue. Finally, I will review current and upcoming applications in the eld of Biomolecular Ultrasound.


Bio: David Maresca is an Associate Professor of Imaging Physics at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. His academic training encompasses ultrasound imaging physics, bioengineering and neuroscience. The goal of his laboratory is to ful ll the potential of genetically encoded gas vesicles as probes for molecular ultrasound imaging.

Enlace online: https://u.i3m.upv.es/seminario


 Fig. 1 3D ultrasound imaging of a tumor labelled with acoustic biomolecules.

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