Ponente: Josep F. Oliver
Título de la charla: Introducing Josep F. Oliver and his research in Image Reconstruction for Emission Tomography
Afiliación: Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular, CSIC – Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain.
Fecha: 21/01/2025
Hora: 10:30 h
Lugar: Salón de actos, cubo rojo/ online, Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación, Universitat Politècnica de València

Abstract: Along the last seventeen years I have been working in the eld of Medical Physics. In particular, the aim of my research has been the improvement in the quality of medical images as obtained by using emission tomography techniques. My research has been framed in the Image Reconstruction step of the process of generating the image, mainly within the PET and Compton cameras elds. Most of the projects in which I have participated have been aimed at the development of new prototypes for medical image. I have developed my investigation in several institutions, both public and private, and recently I have joined the ranks of the I3M. In this seminar I will introduce the di‑erent projects in which I have been involved over these years as well as the techniques I have become acquainted with. The aim of this introductory talk is to facilitateand set the stage for future potential research collaboration topics, with the community in general and with the I3M members in particular.
Bio: Josep F. Oliver received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at Universitat de València in 2004. After a post-doc in the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), in 2007, he entered the eld of Medical Physics. He is expert in Image Reconstruction. He worked at IFIC being member of several projects, most of them aimed at the development of new imaging prototypes. He was in charge of the Image Reconstruction area of the IRIS group at IFIC where he supervised the image reconstruction developments and, in addition, he teaches in two masters of the University of Valencia and supervise graduate and PhD students. During three years he was also in charge of the pre-clinical Image laboratory of the Central Service of Support to Experimental Research, SCSIE of the University of Valencia. In 2019 he joined Bruker corp. to be part of its pre-clinical division as a senior NMI image reconstruction expert. His main goals were the enhancement of the image quality obtained with the present image reconstruction algorithms and coordination of external scientic collaborations. Finally, in 2024 he obtained a permanent position as a Research Scientist at I3M at Spanish Research Council.
Enlace online: https://u.i3m.upv.es/seminario