
ScintoTube. Fabrication and Testing of a Novel PET insert for Simultaneous PET/MRI. 1R01EB029450-01

ScintoTube. Fabrication and Testing of a Novel PET insert for Simultaneous PET/MRI. 1R01EB029450-01

Dr. Antonio J. Gonzalez has been granted for NIH (National Institute of Health) to run the project ScintoTube in collaboration with the University of Virginia and Bruker. The main objective of this project is to develop a PET insert for small animals based on a novel design concept using a single scintillator crystal annulus, instead of typical modular pieces, thus improving the system sensitivity and spatial resolution.

I3M is currently designing the first prototype. A flexible PCB has been developed and is now under mounting. Simulations are also being started.

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