Team members (UMIL)

Francisco Camarena, PhD. Group leader
PhD in Physics by Universitat de València. Permanent researcher at i3M and associate professor at department of Applied Physics at UPV. Head of the UMIL. Director of the Unidad Científica de Innovación Empresarial at i3M, funded by the Agència Valenciana de la Innovacio. Director of the IVIO Chair, dedicated to the promotion, research and transfer of scientific and technological knowledge in the field of odontology.
Email: umil[at]
Publications: Google scholar

José M. Benlloch, PhD, Prof.
Research Professor at Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Valencia (Spain). PhD in Fundamental Physics. He worked at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Chicago, EEUU and CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) on DELPHI collaboration. He also was part of the CDF collaboration who in 1995 discover the quark top elemental particle. He worked as staff member at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1991-1996). In 2010 he founded and he currently is the director of the Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular (I3M).
Tel: +34 96 387 99 07
Email: benlloch[at]

Noé Jiménez, PhD. Senior permanent researcher
PhD by UPV in 2015. In 2014, I worked for the European Space Agency for acoustic load control at launch pad using periodic structures. In 2015, I joined the French CNRS (UMR6613) for a post-doctoral position to research on acoustic metamaterials. I have been visiting researcher at Columbia University (NY, USA) and at the University of Salford (Manchester, UK). I have been «Juan de la Cierva – Incorporación» and «Ramón y Cajal – Senior» excellence fellow at i3M. Since 2023 I am a permanent researcher at I3M (CSIC). My research interests concerns from fundamental research in waves in complex and structured media, to biomedical its application ultrasound applications.
Personal web:
Publications: Google scholar

Alejandro Cebrecos, PhD. Senior permanent researcher
I finished my undergraduate studies in 2011 (BSc in Telecommunication, Sound and Image, MSc in Acoustics) and developed my PhD in Phononic Crystals and acoustic metamaterials at Universitat Politècnica de València, awarded in 2015. Thereafter I joined the French CNRS Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans for a 3-year postdoc. I was visiting scholar at the University of Colorado at Boulder during 9 months in 2014. Nowadays I am devoted to the development of Magneto-Motive Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Tomography systems for biomedical imaging.
Publications: Google scholar

Juan J. García-Garrigós, PhD. Post-Doc Researcher
PhD in Electronic Engineering from Universitat Politècnica de València (2013), MSc in Electronic Engineering, MSc in Artificial Intelligenge and BSc in Theoretical Physics from Universitat de València. He first worked in the industry as R&D engineer on biometric access control systems for Fermax Electrónica. He made his thesis on Beam Instrumentation for the next generation lepton colliders (CLIC-CTF3 collab.) in the Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC, Valencia) and CERN (Geneva, Switzerland). He was project associate researcher at CERN in the Beams department for the LHC until 2014. Post-doctoral researcher at i3M since 2015, he is now focused on biomedical laser applications and photoacoustic imaging.

Alicia Carrión-García, PhD. Associate Professor
BSc in Telecommunications Engineering (2011), MSc in Communications Technologies, Systems and Networks (2014) and PhD in Telecommunications (2018) by the Universitat Politècnica de València. Her research was focused on nonlinear signal processing and signal modality characterization applied on ultrasound signals and bioacoustics. She has been involved in different research projects related to Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques developing new advanced signal processing algorithms to characterize the level of damage on cement-based materials. Currently, she is post-doctoral researcher (Juan de la Cierva – Formación) at i3M. Her research interests include air-coupled biomedical ultrasound imaging and tissue manipulations using metamaterials. She is also working on NDT applied to odontology.
Publications: Google scholar

Josep Rodriguez-Sendra, PhD. Post-doc researcher
BSc in Telecomunication (2014) and MSc in Acoustics (2015) by the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). In 2016 I enrolled the team Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory (UMIL) at I3M to research on ultrasonic technology applied to odontology, funded by the IVIO-UPV Chair. In 2021 I defended my PhD at i3M with a thesis entitled “Focused on ultrasonic monitoring of the guided-bone regeneration processes for oral implantology”, and I am currently post-doctoral researcher at the same institute working in quatitative ultrasound and ultrasound imaging.

Irene Pi-Martin, MSc. PhD candidate
I obtained a Biomedical Engineering degree and I did my specialization in the branch of Diagnostic and Therapy Devices. Nowadays, I finished a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 2021. After a JAE Intro research grant at the Spanish Research Council, I am PhD student under grant CIACIF/2021/403 to work in biomedical applications of ultrasound. Currently I am working on photoacoustic tomography using novel biocompatible contrast agents.

Enrique M. González-Mateo, MSc. PhD candidate
BSc in Telecommunications at the University of Alicante in 2019, with specialization in Acoustics. MSc in Acoustic Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 2021, with specialization in Ultrasound and Instrumentation. In 2018 and 2019, I have worked as a technician in telecommunications and acoustics companies. I am PhD student at the Institute of Instrumentation for Molecular Imaging (I3M) developing medical elastography techniques using acoustic vortices, and other biomedical applications of acoustic vortices.

Jesús (Suso) Limens, MSc. PhD candidate
BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Universidade de Vigo), MSc in Industrial Engineering (UPV), and MSc in Biomedical Engineering (Universidad Internacional de Valencia). In 2021 I completed an internship at GE Healthcare. Currently, I am PhD student workinng on ultrasound neuromodulation and the biological effects of ultrasound in the nervous tissue of the central nervous system (CNS), in collaboration with Canals Lab at the Institute of Neurosciences (CSIC-UMH).

Alba Eroles Simó, MSc. PhD candidate
BSc in Physics (2022) and MSc in Medical Physics (2023) by the University of Valencia (UV). In 2023 I enrolled the Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory (UMIL) team at i3M as a senior laboratory technician thanks to GVA “Investigo” program, grant INVEST/2022/171, to research on transcranial focused ultrasound modelling and ultrasonic hologram generation applied to brain therapies. Currently, I am working on my PhD on wearable ultrasound devices based on acoustic holograms for therapeutic ultrasound.

Javier Navarro Calvo, MSc. PhD candidate
BSc in Biomedical Engineering (2021) by the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), I am now studying a MSc in Biomedical Engineering at the UPV. I joined the Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory (UMIL) at i3M in 2020 to develop a experimental photoacoustic microscopy system as my degree thesis. Currently, I rejoined the team thanks to the GVA “Investigo” program, grant INVEST/2022/171, to work in the development of photoacoustic microscopy devices and its application to the clinical practice.

Víctor Vegas Luque, MSc. PhD Candidate
BSc in Physics (2022) by the Universidad de Granada (UGR), MSc in Advanced Physics (2023) with specialization in particle and nuclear physics by the Universitat de València (UV), and currently studying a MSc in Medical Physics at Universitat de València (UV). In 2022 I received a «JAE Intro ICU» scholarship at Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC). In 2023 I joined the Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory (UMIL) thanks to GVA “Investigo” program, grant INVEST/2023/553, to work in transcranial focused ultrasound modelling. In 2024, I obtained a FPI grant for a PhD on «Advanced acoustic holograms for biomedical ultrasound».

Sergio Maldonado Ortega, MSc. PhD Candidate
I finished a BSc in Industrial Electronic Engineering at the University of Granada in 2022, and a MSc in Biomedical Engineering in 2023 at the International University of Valencia. In 2023 I enrolled the Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory (UMIL) team at i3M as a senior laboratory technician thanks to GVA “Investigo” program, grant INVEST/2023/553. In 2024, I started a PhD on «Efficient lithotripsy using acoustic vortices».

Maria Pérez-Sirvent, MSc. PhD candidate
BSc in Physics (Universitat de València, 2022) and MSc in Acoustics (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2023). I obtained a JAE Intro ICU Fellowship to work at RESULT lab at ITEFI (CSIC, Madrid) to study of elastic properties of biomimetic tissues using ultrasonic
using ultrasonic techniques. In 2024 I joined the I3M to work in a PhD on spatio-temporal codding for imaging and monitoring in biomedical ultrasound.

Samuel Melero Hernández, MSc. Research technician/PhD candidate
BSc in Chemical Engineering (2023) by the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). In 2023, I joined the Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory (UMIL) at I3M through a JAE Intro research grant, where I work on the development and characterization of hydrogel-based solid coupling media for therapeutic ultrasound applications. I actively collaborate with the Centre for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (CBIT) and am currently completing my Master’s Thesis while preparing to pursue a PhD in the same research area.

Juanjo Rodríguez-García, BSc. Research technician
I finished a BSc in Telecomunication, Sound and Image, with specialization in the area of acoustics, at Universidad Politècnica de València in 2019. I have joined the Institute of Instrumentation for Molecular Imaging (I3M) team as an investigator in 2021. I design, manufacture and characterize matched acoustic transducers for novel therapeutical ultrasound such as holography or acoustic-vortex applications.

Jose Luís Alonso, MSc. Research technician
I had studied a BSs on mechanical engeneering and MSc in engineering, processing and characterization of materials in the Universitat Politècnica de València, where I had specialised in the mechanical design, and the mechanical and chemical characterization of plastics. I built an equipment to measure the thermal conductivity of low-thermal conduction materials. In 2021 I joined the Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory (UMIL) at I3M as a mechanical engineer to support research.

Adrián Arándiga, MSc. Research technician
I finished a BSc in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València in 2016, with specialization in computing, and a MSc in Electronic Systems Engineering in 2021, with specialization in digital systems. After working as a consultant and informatic systems technician, I joined the Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory (UMIL) at I3M in 2021 as a laboratory technician to provide support with the scientific instrumentation and electronic system design.

Daniel Sanz-Montrull, Investigo researcher
BSc in Telecommunications Engineering and Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Joined the Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory team at i3M as a senior laboratory technician thanks to GVA “Investigo” program in 2023

Víctor Company-Rubio, Investigo researcher
BSc in Biomedical Engineering (2023) by the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). In December 2023, I joined the Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory (UMIL) team at i3M as a senior laboratory technician thanks to GVA “Investigo” program, grant INVEST/2023/553, to research on ultrasound technology with a focus on biomedical applications such as photoacoustic imaging techniques and devices.

Teresa Ana Torres de Ayala, BSc. Research technician
BSc in Physics (2021) by the University of Santiago de Compostela. In 2023 I joined the Ultrasound Medical and Industrial Laboratory (UMIL) team at i3M as a senior laboratory technician thanks to the GVA “Investigo” program. I characterize and manufacture matched acoustic transducers for therapeutical ultrasound.

Former members and Alumni
- PhD candidate (2021-2024) Diana Andrés
- PhD candidate (2016-2021) Sergio Jiménez-Gambín
- PhD candidate [not finished] (2020-2023) Nathalie Lamothe
- PhD candidate [not finished] (2022-2023) José Manuel Requena-Plens
- PhD candidate [not finished] (2020-2021) Claudia Hernández López
- Research technician (2022-2023): Paula Femenía Ys
- Research technician (2021-2022): Andrés Mora-Martínez
- Research technician (2021-2022): Jaime Tomás
- Research technician (2020-2021): Romain Bouvier
- Research technician (2019-2021): Rafael Tarazona
- Research technician (2019-2021): M. Consuelo Barrantes
- Research technician (2018-2019): Andrei Cristian Marin
- Research technician (2017-2018): Miguel Company
- Research technician (2015-2018): Alvaro Saenz De Inestrillas Jimenez
- Research technician (2014-2015): Pablo Camblor Iglesias
- Postdoc intership (2022): Eric Ballestero (Université du Mans, France)
- MSc intership (2024): Jason Caubriere (Université du Mans, France)
- MSc intership (2024): Rosa Calpe-Fortea (UPV)
- MSc intership (2023): Roby Weeteling (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
- MSc intership (2022): Yves Pillot (Université du Mans, France)
- MSc intership (2022): Giovanna Ruiz Fermoso (Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico)
- MSc intership (2019): Juan Antonio Sánchez García (UPV)
- MSc intership (2019): Jose Antonio López Navarro (UPV)
- MSc intership (2018): María Dejoz-Díez (UPV)
- MSc intership (2018): Yolanda Pamies Rodriguez (UPV)